Similar words: rescission, abscission, right off, right of way, right off the bat, divine right of kings, free admission, high commissioner.
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1. Finally, analyze that the right of rescission is discharged firstly.
2. The exercise of the right of rescission is to accord with legal essentials of establishment a nd its exercise takes legal effect on the creditor, debtor and the third party.
3. Part Six: The Exercise and Effect of the Right of Rescission.
4. Exertion of the right of rescission is necessary to rescind a
5. Article 75 The right of rescission shall be exercised within one year from the day on which the creditor is aware or ought to be aware of the matters for the rescission.
6. This article analyses the exercise of right of rescission from four aspects as follows: subject of right, ways of exercise, duration and legal effect.
7. Low price attornment of Chevroler invoked disputes about right of rescission.
8. The Court of Appeal held that even if there had been a right of rescission it was barred by lapse of time.
9. In the case of only minor non-conformity with the contract, in particular in regard to minor defects, the Buyer shall have no right of rescission.
10. Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission, it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts.
11. The fourth, analyze the conditions of the first vendee's right of rescission, then come to the conclusion that in this case the first vendee should not exert the right of rescission.
12. Because of the dependency, Guarantor has debtor's right to defense, right of rescission.
More similar words: rescission, abscission, right off, right of way, right off the bat, divine right of kings, free admission, high commissioner, right ascension, right on, fight off, brighton, in sight of, in light of, bill of rights, in the light of, make light of, lose sight of, right or wrong, catch sight of, sleight of hand, flight of steps, flight of stairs, flight of capital, high voltage transmission line, mission, fission, omission, emission, commission.